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Keys and Environment Variables

SEAL Elastic Stack uses the following environment variables:


KBN_PATH_CONF specifies the path to the Kibana keystore. You may use it, if you prefer to store passwords in the the Kibana keystore rather than in the kibana.yml configuration file.

Beginning with SEAL Elastic Stack version 7.16.0 the installation script sets this environment variable for the seal-kibana service automatically. You only need to set it manually, if you whish to set a previous version of SEAL Elastic Stack to a minimum security level.

Available values: String


  • Windows

    • Registry key: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\seal-kibana\Parameters\AppEnvironmentExtra
    • Path: add line KBN_PATH_CONF=C:\ProgramData\SEAL Systems\config\ to the already existing entries
  • Linux

    • Service configuration file: /usr/lib/systemd/system/seal-kibana.service
    • Section: [Service]
    • Item: Environment="KBN_PATH_CONF=/opt/seal/etc"

Caution - updates

If you change the paths, they may be overwritten by the next update of SEAL Elastic Stack.

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